1996 Nanango 1000 Mile Run - increased leg performance through the use of structured movement

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The environment was not harmed at this event because we did not use oil on the legs and so did not have to use detergent to clean the oil off the towels

In 1996 Gillan Recovery attended the Nananango (Queensland Australia) 1000 Mile (1600 kilometer) footrace where the competitors have to run the distance in under 16 days

Athlete's Legs Maintenance using Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

We went with Bill Beauchamp of Victoria as crew but finished up looking after a number of runners who got into trouble, these included

Drew Kettle

Sandra Brown



Final Nanango 1000 mile results

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the recovery system of choice for world runners!

tightness contribution to leg fatigue and poor performance

What is Light Manual Muscle Relaxation?

muscle tightness and reduced circulation

The aim of Light Manual Muscle Relaxation is to clear the legs of micro-cellular debris as quickly as possible without breaking into the body's own recovery processes so that a healthy circulation can be resumed as quickly as possible which will result in a better performance for the athlete!

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation applied

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation contribution to healthier circulation

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation is a simple physiology based  recovery system developed for extreme athletes  and tested at events all over the world and is in fact the only system  that has been used on 2  runs around the world!

Arguably it can be said to be the most tested recovery system in the world!

It has also been used at events in these countries

  • France

  • Denmark

  • The United States

  • Australia

  • Canada

The advantages of using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

  • It is Do It Yourself recovery

  • No disrobing

  • Works with the muscles not on them

  • No oil used

  • Non invasive

  • User friendly

  • Easy to learn

It only needs a few minutes and can be done as often as possible because it does not use a rubbing motion does not initiate or further irritate sore muscles

There are flow on benefits to all athletes

  • They can easily learn and use the same system I use

  • They do not need to do an expensive dedicated course in recovery system

  • They do not need to invest in or carry expensive equipment

  • They can use it trackside or field side whenever they need it

  • If they do not have the services of a support team they just Do It Themselves!

A tested Trusted Alternative

When it all came together these results were obtained at a six day event

PDF US$ 19.95

Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the environmentally friendly legs maintenance system of choice for world runners! US$ 38 including manual

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