Tony Mangan of Ireland dreamed of running around the world!
and did it!
An epic of an epic distance is an epic story needing an epic book to tell it!
Tony is working on his book of his run through 42 countries in 4 years and it will be here in the fullness of time so keep your eye on this page
Gillan Recovery was involved with Tony Mangan's run or jog around the world
We are travelled as Tony's backup and legs recoverer on his Australian leg of the run which covers from Tasmania to Melbourne to Murray Bridge, Alice Springs to Darwin
We left Queenscliffe on March 13 2013 and arrived in Darwin on 25 May 2013 a distance of 3777 kilometersTony Mangan is a native of Dublin Ireland and currently holds two 48 hour running world records. In Brno, Czech Republic in 2007 he ran 426.178km to set the world record for 48 hours on an indoor track.
The following year he ran 405.22km to set the world record for running 48 hours on a treadmill at the Longford marathon Expo in Ireland. Both of these records have been ratified as world 48 hour records.
On 25 October 2010 Tony started running the Dublin Marathon, but he didn't stop at the finish line.
A world run of 5 continents four years, 36 countries and about 50,000 kilometers He chronicles his adventures of the run and the people he meets on his blog
In January 2013 he started running Oceania starting in Fiji then both New Zealand islands followed by Tasmania and most of this time he has run with just a small backpack, no tent and carrying the barest of essentials with just a little food and water.
He has relied on picking up his food in shops and cheap restaurants on the run and has slept in cheap hostels or thrown himself at the mercy of the local communities that he has run through.
Gillan Recovery joined Tony’s Australian run on the mainland from Queenscliffe in Victoria and supported him throughout the trip to Darwin as crew and with his legs recovery.
This is the very first time Tony has received full support on his world run.
The trip was notable because of the beautiful sunsets and sunrises and clarity of stars in between, but also of the very close relationship we maintained with the local fly population every time we stopped for drinks and to do Light Manual Muscle Relaxation on his legs
us on the road to Katherine
Tony's arrival in Darwin (but watching out for the crocodiles)
Trying to imitate Captain Hook in Peter Pan
My arrival in Darwin (resigning from the job!)
We had 5 rest days in the time on the road where we stayed with people or at the backpackers hostels, the rest of the time we were sleeping roadside at wayside stops
in tents
The worst memory of the run is flies, flies, and more flies and sun, these flies are not like the normal house fly, they are bush flies and don't go for your food except by accident, they go for your eyes nose mouth and ears so we have to wear head nets to prevent this
The recovery system to keep Tony going
the long road to Darwin and beyond
The system has been used on 2 separate world runs so can arguably be said to be in a literal sense the most consistently tested recovery system in the world as there have been very few world runners that offer their bodies to test anything out!
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the recovery system of choice for world runners!
What is Light Manual Muscle Relaxation?
The aim of Light Manual Muscle Relaxation is to clear the legs of micro-cellular debris as quickly as possible without breaking into the body's own recovery processes so that a healthy circulation can be resumed as quickly as possible which will result in a better performance for the athlete!
it is a simple physiology based recovery system developed for extreme athletes and tested at events all over the world and is in fact the only system that has been used on 2 runs around the world!
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation used with the muscles
A healthier leg circulation
it can be arguably said to be the most tested recovery system in the world!
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation has also been used in the following countries
The United States
The advantages of using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
It is Do It Yourself recovery
No disrobing
Works with the muscles not on them
No oil used
Non invasive
User friendly
Easy to learn
It only needs a few minutes and can be done as often as possible because it does not use a rubbing motion does not initiate or further irritate sore muscles
Athlete's Legs Maintenance using Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
There are flow on benefits to all athletes
They can easily learn and use the same system I use
They do not need to do an expensive dedicated course in recovery system
They do not need to invest in or carry expensive equipment
They can use it trackside or field side whenever they need it
If they do not have the services of a support team they just Do It Themselves!
A tested Trusted Alternative
When it all came together these results were obtained at a 6 day event
PDF US$ 19.95
At the end of May 2013 he flew to East Timor to begin running Asia, his 4th continent
A workshop on environmentally friendly Wholistic light Manual Muscle Relaxation-the choice of around the world runners US$38 including the manual