Sitting is the new smoking!

or just sit for long periods at a computer to earn living!
The world is changing and we have to change with it, and it turns out the computer is king of the workplace and we all sit too long working at the computer.
To keep up with or get in front of things we have to sit for longer and longer in front of that keyboard, for whole shifts on a consistent basis.
In the long term this can cause health problems with neck, shoulder, lower back, upper leg, lower legs and everything else as well.
In our case we are setting ourselves up for something called Deep Vein Thrombosis. This is a very dangerous problem to develop, it is a blood clotting issue in the lower legs where the circulation has been compromised. The blood clots can break away and lodge in the lungs, the brain or the heart.
It is usually thought of as being associated with long distance flights, and always happens to other people but I recently discovered that a young distant relative of mine died aged 16 so if you don't keep that circulation going it could happen to you too.
Many people who spend their day sitting down at the computer would be familiar with swollen ankles